Order refil
Eyewash Cabinet

Et førstehjelpskrin som er fylt med Enkeltmannspakke, Gasbind, Pressblokk, Sårstrips, Tekstilplaster, Sårkompress, Sårvask, Brannskadebandasjer, Brannskadesalver, Brannskadesalve flaske, Sårrenseservietter, Engangshansker, Saks, Pinsett, Redningsfolie, Munn-til-munn-duk, Sikkerhetsnåler, Bandasjetape, Trekanttørkle, Støttebandasje, Isposer, Øyekompress, Øyeskyllvann, pH-nøytral.

Agreement on first aid equipment includes:

At all times, the customer has the right to obtain updated and complete first aid kits and other equipment defined in the agreement. Used products are replenished upon order from the customer. Expired products are exchanged unsolicited by Blostrupmoen (sent by post or by personal delivery by Blostrupmoen).

Tick ​​the products you want to order in the form below. You will be forwarded to a page that confirms your order.

Thank you for your order!

Do you need more or other first aid equipment, a defibrillator or courses?
Contact us here: Kontakt